Let’s take an example to understand the minification process better. min to the file name to indicate the minification of that particular file.
It converts all the big variable names to the smaller variable names.īy doing all these things, the Angular framework reduces the overall size of the js file. It removes all the unwanted variables within the file. It removes all the white spaces within the file.
Minification: In minification process following things are done within the js file to reduce the size of the js file for faster downloading. So when the application is deployed, the Angular framework by default all these three js files into one file thus reducing the size of the application and it now downloads fast within the user browser. Suppose my application has three js files within my application.
Let’s take an example to understand it:. In Bundling, all the js files within the application are downloaded as a single unit instead of downloading each js file which overall reduces the overall application downloading time hence achieving greater performance. Let’s talk about them in detail below:īundling and minification are two important processes that Angular adopts to reduce the size of the application so that it can be downloaded fast in the browser. Now, let’s talk about the default processes that are adopted by the Angular framework which helps the developer to achieve a greater performance i.e. But this is not happening by default by the Angular framework. In AOT compilation, the Angular compiler runs before the app is deployed thus reducing the overall size of the application. Some of these are AOT compilation, bundling, minification etc. Similarly, the Angular framework also provides various options to achieve greater performance at runtime. Therefore, there are various practices that are encouraged to adopt during coding to achieve greater performance in the production environment. If performance is low, the application would fail to achieve its real value to the user. The performance of any application is one of the key factors to determine the user experience in this world.
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Install it with: npm install grunt-contrib-uglify -save-dev Load the task in Gruntfile.js: grunt. I will use grunt-contrib-uglify to minify.
Now you can safely minify your code Minify AngularJS part 2.
What's the difference between ng-pristine and ng-dirty in AngularJS? Have a look at WithAnnotationsCtrl.js and you will see the dependencies are nicely annotated. How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS?. How to submit form on pressing Enter with Angular 9?. How to bundle an Angular app for production?. How to detect when an value changes in Angular?.
How to Display Spinner on the Screen till the data from the API loads using Angular 8 ?.
How to open popup using Angular and Bootstrap ?. ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam. ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys. GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys. You can pass these tasks as an array of defined tasks. In the above gulpfile, we are specifying two tasks at the end of the section named “build” and “cleanbuild” where we are specifying logically related group of tasks. You can run the gulp task by specifying the task name. Var filePath = ) gulp.task( 'build', ) gulp.task( 'cleanbuild', )